Sunday, November 28, 2010

Her/his name is Wolfie

click on photos to enlarge - cliccare sulle foto per ingrandirle
She (or he?) stares at me from a very safe distance and I stare back. Mi fissa da una distanza sicura e io ricambio.
It's a little like hanging out with a pack of wolves, and some of you know how I have a thing for wolves. E` un po' come farsela con un branco di lupi e alcuni di voi sanno quanto mi piacciono i lupi!


peggy gatto said...

fascinating pictures of dogs AND landscape!

anna maria said...

Hi Peggy, thanks. Don't know if you have seen any of my recent posts, but I have moved to Puglia in southern Italy. These, unfortunately are all stray and pretty much feral.

Christine said...

I am hoping for the day when one or more of these disenfranchised doggies befriends you.

anna maria said...

Several of the puppies are starting to follow close on my heels when I arrive with the food, and actually stick their head in the tray when I am pouring it out. But not the adults nor even that crazy adolescent who barks at me incessantly.