I can't seem to get a proper photo, probably because of the central white image. The upper part of the background is more on the purple side, rather than the red that the photo shows.
Non mi e` riuscito di scattare una foto buona, probabilmente a causa del bianco dell'immagine centrale. La parte superiore dello sfondo e` più` viola che rosso come sembrerebbe dalla foto.
Non mi e` riuscito di scattare una foto buona, probabilmente a causa del bianco dell'immagine centrale. La parte superiore dello sfondo e` più` viola che rosso come sembrerebbe dalla foto.
"Lotus" acrylic on canvas, 50x60 cm
Hi Anna Maria!
I sent you the links... let me know if you don't receive them!
You posted as anonymous, don't know who you are nor what links you mean.
ciao Anna Maria,
come stai?
belli i tuoi quadri!
ho voglia di vederti e scendere in puglia, spero presto....
tante idee e voglia di fare...
ne parleremo presto spero, un grande abbraccio
AMS, Are you the same who lived in Nanakuli (1974-5) and taught HS-art? If so, please email me. I would love to reconnect. Peace, Riley
Hello Riley, I am the one, but it was not Nanakuli, it was Waianae/Makaha. I'm pretty sure I now who you are: a long-legged gorgeous girl from Texas?
I received another message from you, maybe via google a few months ago, but it was impossible for me to respond to it, so I had no way of getting in touch.
Are you on FB? I am.
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