Saturday, May 28, 2011

Very sad news - Tristi notizie

As you may have guessed Picciri` did not make it. He had a very bad night - I did what I could, which wasn't much, until 3 am when he calmed down. I gave him another hot water bottle at 5 am, and when I woke up at 7 am he was gone. I didn't think that losing such a tiny creature that I knew for only 3 days could hit me so hard, but it did. I have a feeling that there was a reason for his coming into my life, but I'll talk about it more some other time.
Here is a photo of him yesterday morning when he seemed to be doing a lot better after having seen a second vet the day before and getting medication for various infections.

Come avrete capito Picciri` non ce l'ha fatta. Ha passato una bruttissima nottata - io ho fatto quello che ho potuto, che non e` stato molto, fino alle 3 del mattino quando si e` calmato. Gli ho dato un'altra borsa di acqua calda alle 5 e quando mi sono svegliata alle 7 non c'era piu`. Non pensavo che perdere una piccola creatura che conoscevo da soli tre giorni mi sarebbe dispiaciuto tanto, ma e` cosi`. Penso che ci sia una ragione per cui e` apparso nella mia vita, ma ne parlero` di piu` in un altro momento. 
Ecco una sua foto di ieri mattina quando sembrava stesse molto meglio, dopo aver visto il secondo veterinario il giorno precedente ed aver preso medicinali per varie infezioni. 
Another couple of photos from the day before yesterday for those who did not see them on Facebook.
Un altro paio di foto scattate l'altro ieri per chi non le ha viste su Facebook.
Goodbye little Picciri`.


Janis said...

I am so sorry Anna Maria. He was so precious, innocent... I am sure he felt your comfort and love in that short time. Animals, humans, big or small, it hurts just as much. Thinking of you... xo - j.

anna maria said...

Thank you, Janis. Nothing is ever perfect is it? If it were he would have at least been spared the suffering.

Anonymous said...

How sad. A good reminder to live in the moment because we never can know what tomorrow will bring. Fred

ornella said...

รจ sempre molto triste quando un piccolo essere indifeso,non ce la fa.A volte le leggi della vita sono dure da comprendere Buona domenica cara

Jan said...

Anna Maria, I am heartbroken for you and little Picciri. I am so very very sad he did not survive. Bless you, you did SO much for him trying to save him. He definitely knew love in his short and tiny life, thanks to YOU.


peggy gatto said...

I am so sorry too.
take care

anna maria said...

Thank you all for the kind words. I'm still thinking about him a lot!