Thursday, February 7, 2013

Someone's having fun! - C''e` qualcuno che si diverte!

We spent the last few days planting fruit trees, repairing a 21 ft segment of collapsed dry wall (with expert help) and pulling previously cut ivy off of a large olive tree. I let the dogs run loose and they were all in heaven, but the one who had the biggest blast was the infamous Cirillo. The trouble-maker, the bully, the leader of the pack, the one who leads the others down the road to perdition.
Abbiamo trascorso i giorni passati a piantare alberi da frutta, a riparare circa 7 mt. di muretto a secco crollato (con l'aiuto di un esperto) e a tirare giu` da un grande ulivo dell'edera tagliata in precedenza. Ho lasciato liberi i cani ed erano tutti al settimo cielo, ma quello che piu` se l'e` spassata e` stato il famigerato Cirillo. Cirillo il provocatore, il bullo, il capo squadra, quello che porta gli altri sulla strada della perdizione. 
Cirillo digs, Coco the red-head and Argo the saint look on, while Luna gets behind him and leaps around trying to catch flying clods of dirt and rocks, which she then crunches down on.
Cirillo scava, Coco la rossa e Argo il santo osservano, mentre Luna si mette dietro Cirillo e salta qui e li` cercando di acchiappare al volo zolle di terra e pietre, che poi rosiccchia. 
It's not easy to get as filthy as he does, but Cirillo has his ways.
Non e` facile insozzarsi come fa lui, ma Cirillo ha i suoi metodi.
Every now and then a fight breaks out over ownership of the hole, but Argo does not participate, all this is beneath his dignity.  He usually prefers to remove himself from the chaos, looking down on it from a distance.
Ogni tanto scoppia qualche rissa per il possesso del buco, ma solo Argo non si abbassa a queste piccolezze, preferendo osservare a distanza. 
Sometimes a fig branch can be a handy headrest.
A volte un ramo di fico puo` tornare utile come poggiatesta. 
Oh yes, fruit trees were planted, retaining walls were repaired and an olive tree was cleaned up. I'm lucky to have guests who like to work!
Ah si`, quasi dimenticavo, sono stati piantati alberi da frutta, riparati muretti a secco e un ulivo tutto ripulito dall'edera. Sono fortunata di avere ospiti a cui piace lavorare!

That's all folks!
Alla prossima!


Kim Rae Nugent said...

This post made me smile. It looks like a wonderful time was had by all. The dogs are adorable!

Janis said...

Excellent! What a beautiful life...

Love all the different personalities of your dog tribe. Such sweethearts and full of life.

By the way, I wish you were my neighbor - I would make jam from your left over fruit :^)

anna maria said...

Thanks Kim!

I wish you were my neighbor too, then I would get to eat some of that beautiful jam you make. This year I made fig and lemon jam (a little weird, but good) and quince jam (yum!), but both in small quantities.