Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Sunday walk in the neighborhood - Una passeggiata domenicale nella contrada

It was too glorious of a day not to go for a walk, so off we went, camera in hand.  Everywhere, silence and sun. This is a taste of what we saw.
Era una giornata troppo splendida per non fare una passeggiata, quindi, macchina fotografica in mano, ci siamo avviate. Ovunque, silenzio e sole. Ecco un assaggio di quello che abbiamo visto. 


Janis said...

Anna Maria, I enjoyed this tour so much. I hope you do more. So good to see you with a neighborhood kitty as well. X

anna maria said...

Thanks Janis, except that's not me with the kitty. It's my friend and visiting guest.