Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nobody's perfect - Nessuno e` perfetto

There is a nine foot tall shrub in the yard that is blooming profusely and with which I am in love. I can't stand the thought that soon its flowers will disappear. I find myself worrying about whether it will be as beautiful next year. Fortunately it's not perfect because, you see, it's a Philadelphus (Mock-Orange), but a scentless one, which makes it a Philadelphus inodorus. Can you imagine how unbearable its beauty would be if it also filled the air with the scent of orange blossoms and jasmine? I don't think I could stand it.
Nel giardino c'e` un cespuglio alto circa tre metri che sta fiorendo abbondantemente e di cui sono innamorata. Non sopporto l'idea che presto i suoi fiori svaniranno. Mi scopro preoccupata che l'anno prossimo potrebbe non essere altrettanto splendida. Per fortuna non e` perfetta perche`, vedete, e` un Philadelphus (Fior d'Angiolo), ma uno inodore, per cui e` un Philadelphus inodorus. Potete immaginare come sarebbe insopportabile la sua bellezza se nell'aria spandesse anche un profumo di fiori d'arancio misto a gelsomino? Non credo che reggerei. 


Janis said...

Oh my, more proof we are kindred spirits. I worry too... that I do not look long enough or spend enough time before the flowers drop to the ground... spring, love, all the good things are so painfully beautiful!

ornella said...

adoro i fiori d'angelo ho piantato uno ma purtroppo non ce l'ha fatta...aveva di un profumo delizioso. Il tuo anche senza profumo è splendido! Ciao cara

anna maria said...

Janis - "painfully beautiful" is a perfect description - it's that beauty that has a sadness to it because you know it can't last.

anna maria said...

pensa che questo cespuglio e` qui forse da 40 anni e per almeno 25 di quelli e` cresciuta abbandonata a se stessa. Per questo mi piace anche di piu`, perche` penso che se avessi provato a curarla forse non ce l'avrebbe fatta!

Christine said...

You have captured so beautifully in these photos, Annamaria. At least you have those to fall back on until next spring. I simply cannot imagine a Philadelphus without that glorious scent!

Pamela Holderman said...

Oh I love these. Our neighbor has one and it does not get enough light. I feel so sad for it. And it is or was the kind that smelled divine. We are way behind weather-wise so maybe there is still hope it will bloom. Blessings to you in your beautiful home!

Chris said...

Hi Anna Maria, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

Mary Ann said...

where are you??? come back!!!! i miss you!!!

anna maria said...

Hey Mary Ann, thanks for the wake up call! I can't believe it's been almost 2 months! The heat has melted my brain and expending the least effort required to survive: watering, eating, sleeping.