Thursday, March 8, 2012

A prelude to Spring - Un preludio alla primavera

Last week the sun shone brightly and the air was warm for several days in a row. Even though today it's raining and cold it doesn't matter, because we've had a taste of things to come and know that Spring is on its way. It can make all the difference in the world. I spent a good part of those days basking in the sun's glow, reading a little, looking around me, enjoying the silence.
La scorsa settimana abbiamo avuto vari giorni in cui il sole ci ha riscaldati e illuminati e anche se oggi di nuovo piove e fa freddo, poco importa, perche` abbiamo avuto un assaggio di cose a venire e sappiamo che la primavera e` in arrivo. E questo puo` cambiare tante cose. Ho passato buona parte di quei giorni scaldadomi al sole sul terrazzo, leggendo un poco, guardandomi attorno e godendomi il silenzio. 
I wasn't the only one enjoying this prelude to Spring. 
Non ero l'unica a godermi questo preludio alla primavera. 
There were flowers dancing in my head. 
I fiori mi danzavano nella mente. 


MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Oh my what a really gorgeous setting and deck. I'd have been right there with you!

anna maria said...

Any time you want to come visit, I'm here!

ornella said...

Belli i fiori che danzano nella tua mente hanno il colore del sole . Un abbraccio

Julie-Anne McDonald said...

What a wonderful surprise to see your work and find you in Italy. Now I can follow your blog and get a little Italian practice as well. I'm of Italian decent, but don't know the language, which is very sad. Here in Southern Maine we too had a spring day this week, but then we had snow overnight. The buds on the pear tree and tree peonies in our garden think spring is closer than the calendar indicates. I hope they are right. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your generous comment.
Julie-Anne McDonald

anna maria said...

Grazie Ornella! Speriamo che la primavera torni presto, altrimenti questo freddino ce la fa dimenticare!
Un abbraccio.

anna maria said...

Hello Julie-Anne, you are welcome and thank YOU for visiting my blog. For the past few years down in this part of Italy the warm weather has tricked the fruit trees and then the switch back to cold has done lots of damage. Hope it doesn't happen again this year!