Monday, October 31, 2011

Anniversary of my big move - Anniversario del mio trasloco

One year ago today I moved to Ceglie Messapica (BR) from San Francisco, California. I still don't know if it was the "right" thing to do or not, but I may never know, so I won't think about it too much. In the meanwhile I celebrated by enjoying the fall colors and gardening on Saturday and today. With expert and strong help, I planted 2 Pyracanthas, 2 Lavenders, 4 Lantanas, 3 Bouganvilles, one Cornus mas, a small peach tree, a small almond tree, some veggies and several succulents. We also did a lot of pruning and burning of debris. The next two days will be dedicated to pruning the olive trees that were not pruned in March.
Cirillo caused as much trouble as he possibly could. Maybe he thought he was helping.......

Oggi ha fatto un anno che mi sono trasferita a Ceglie Messapica (BR) da San Francisco in California. Ancora non so se ho fatto la cosa "giusta" o no e forse non lo sapro` mai, quindi non ci voglio pensare troppo. Intanto ho festeggiato godendomi i colori autunnali e dedicandomi sabato e oggi al giardinaggio. Con l'aiuto di una persona con molta piu` forza di me ho piantato 2 piracanta, 2 lavande, 4 lantane, 3 bouganvilla, un corniolo, un piccolo pesco, un piccolo mandorlo, alcune verdure e varie piantine grasse. Abbiamo anche potato molto e bruciato quello che non servira` per il camino. I prossimi due giorni verranno dedicati alla potatura degli ulivi che non sono stati potati a marzo scorso.
Cirillo ha creato tutto lo scompiglio di cui e` stato capace. Forse pensava di aiutare.....
Being a bad dog is exhausting!
Fare il cane cattivo e` molto stancante!  


Janis said...

Happy happy anniversary dear Annamaria! If you feel good and your heart is full, I would think it must have been the right thing to do. Good to shake things up every once in a while... and by the way, your place and the plantings sound wonderful - fertile land, open heart, beautiful life.

p.s. - one year since we moved too, Nov 1st. The best thing we could have ever done - only 50 miles away but a completely different world... I thank the gods (whoever maybe listening) everyday!

ornella said...

Cara Annamaria,buon anniversario. il Salento è una terra che prende il cuore e non lo lascia più...belle le piante nuove ,la piracantha con le sue bacche è perfetta per colorare l'inverno.Un abbraccio , Ornella

Gianna / aka Janet said...

Tanti Auguri! WOW - 1 whole year... that went by fast.... Love your photos - beautiful colors! Cirillo looks very much at home! Abbracci & baci!

Kay Wood said...

I cannot believe it's been a year. I so enjoy reading your blog. I met Paulie and Gee for lunch last week. Paulie is not doing great but that guy is a trooper, still working 2 jobs but can't see a thing! Gee if fine, working at ACC. We were talking about you and saying how much we missed you. Maybe we'll all take a trip - are you worried yet?

Alice's Garden Travel Buzz said...

Warm wishes,
being transported to Italy even briefly, much appreciated!
Ciao Bella...

Jan said...

Anna Maria ... Your garden is lovely ... Cirillo is the most beautiful of all the blooms there :)