Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Everything happens at once - tutto succede allo stesso momento

It seems like that sometimes, doesn't it? After 4 months of no work getting done on the house, my household goods traveling through unknown lands for 2 months, my not feeling like making art, not taking any classes, being on crutches for two weeks........whammo! The new year starts and everything happens!
A volte sembra proprio cosi`, non'e` vero? Dopo 4 mesi di lavori fermi, dopo due mesi in cui le mie masserizie hanno viaggiato per terre sconosciute, dopo un lungo periodo in cui non mi andava di disegnare, ne` dipingere, due mesi senza classi, due settimane di stampelle........BUM! Comincia l'anno nuovo e tutto si smuove.
Five days ago I signed up for Carla Sonheim's Silly 3 online class AND I signed a contract for new windows and doors; 4 days ago workers started tearing up the bathroom at the house AND I joined The Sketchbook Challenge; today I visited the driving school because it looks like I'm going to have to finally start driving - stick shift to boot - AND the movers called from Milan to say that they HAVE to deliver my stuff on Saturday morning, which sent me into a tail spin since that means that a room full of spiderwebs, dust and a refrigerator that was struck by lightening down in the seventies will have to be cleaned out between now and then, and locks sawed off of the outside entrance to that room, so half of a 20' container can be stuffed in there. To top it all off the people providing the windows and doors just called to say that on Friday they will start installing. So everything is happening on Friday, Jan 7th. According to this gentleman 7 is a great number, so why worry?
Cinque giorni fa mi sono iscritta a una classe online di Carla Sonheim E ho firmato un contratto per porte e finestre nuove; quattro giorni fa hanno cominciato a smantellare il bagno di casa E ho aderito allo Sketchbook Challenge; oggi sono andata alla scuola guida preche` a quanto paro` dovro` finalmente mettermi a guidare - con le marce nientemeno - E il traslocatore ha chiamato da Milano dicendo che DEVONO consegnarmi le mie cose sabato mattina, il che mi ha fatto andare in tilt perche` questo significa che una stanza piena di ragnatele, di polvere e con un grande frigorifero freddato da un fulmine negli anni settanta dovra` essere svuotata e pulita tra oggi e sabato e lucchetti tagliati dalla porta di accesso, per fare posto a mezzo container di Roba. Come se non bastasse la ditta che fornira` le finestre e le porte mi ha appena comunicato che venerdi` mattina vogliono iniziare l'istallazione. Quindi tutto succedera` venerdi`, 7 gennaio. Secondo questo signore il sette e` un numero meravigloso, quindi di che mi preoccupo?
The good thing is that I don't have to (and I can't) think about any of this (as if!) until Friday morning, because tomorrow is the Epiphany and everyone is on holiday!  
Per fortuna non dovro` e non potro` pensare a niente fino a venerdi` perche` domani e` la Befana ed e` festa!

Any way this is all b... s... because there are lives in which really serious stuff happens, the stuff that makes my days right now look like a stroll in the park.
In ogni caso, queste sono tutte c....te perche` vi sono vite in cui succedono cose veramente serie, cose che fanno sembrare una pacchia le giornate che sto vivendo.

The bathroom, as it is right now.
Il bagno, com'e` attualmente.


Janet / aka: Gianna said...

Great perspective, Anna Maria! Chin up - sounds like exciting times! Auguri - Happy Epiphany! : )

anna maria said...

Thank you Janet, hope you had a nice Epiphany too.
Funny thing is that after we had all been there for several hours cleaning and carting stuff out (I was mostly watching since I'm still using a crutch) the movers called from Milan to say that they had "good news": that instead of tomorrow morning they would deliver everything the week after next!!
I'd like toi have it over and done with, but I guess it is better so by then the new sturdy door will be in place.

Christine said...

What an endeavor you are embarking on. I look forward to following moment here.
I love your art work, Anna Maria. It's beautiful and somehow seems very much like you.