Saturday, January 29, 2011

Camouflage dog and a plant - Cane mimetico e una pianta

This little dog, who belongs to one of the vendors at the Saturday market, catches my eye every time I go there. OK, so all dogs catch my eye, it's true, but this one's rather unusual colors, grey and brown, are what get my attention. This morning I was struck by how he blended into the asphalt.
Questo piccolo cane, che appartiene a uno dei commercianti al mercato del sabato, attira ogni volta la mia attenzione. E va bene, e` vero, tutti i cani attirano la mia attenzione, ma i colori un poco insoliti di questo - grigio e marrone - meritano qualche sguardo in piu`. Questa mattina sono stata colpita da come sembrava mimetizzarsi con l'asfalto. 
(click on photos to enlarge)
(cliccare sulle foto per ingrandirle)
There are many of these plants in the neighborhood, and I'm pretty sure it's a Viburnum Tinus, currently over 10 ft. tall. If you are familiar with it, would you suggest pruning it?
Ci sono molte di queste piante nei dintorni e sono abbastanza sicura che si tratti di un Viburnum Tinus, attualmente alto un po` piu` di 3 mt. Se ve ne intendete, pensate che vada potato?
There he is again, one of my neighbors working on his land. There's quite a bit of it and he does it all on his own, with hand tools. The place is spotless. 
Eccolo di nuovo, uno dei miei vicini che coltiva il suo terreno. Ce n'e` parecchio,  fa tutto da se` con attrezzi manuali e tutto e` sempre perfetto. 
I, on the other hand, just pulled a little ivy off some trees and called it a day, Next time I will tackle the ivy that's taking over this pine. 
Io, invece, ho solo tirato giu` un po` di edere da un paio di alberi e mi e` bastato. La prossima volta affrontero` l'edera avvinghiata a  questo pino. 


Christine said...

It's definitely a viburnum, Annamaria. I keep mine tidy by trimming the ends of any of the branches. They will sprout new leaves and stems from where you cut them.
Your land sure is beautiful!

anna maria said...

Thanks Christine, I think i'll do that. I'll trim all around, including the top, so it gets to be more of a shrub than a tree.