Sunday, October 20, 2013

My latest food experiment - Il mio piu` recente esperimento culinario

I am going to pretend that it's not true that I haven't blogged in 6 months and just dive right in to show you my latest concoction. I realize the colors are rather unappetizing, but believe me it's good! I only make these really strange experiments for myself, for guests I stick with experiments that are more likely to succeed. So.....
First I made a pot of lentils with the usual carrots, onion, laurel leaf, etc, etc.  When they were cooked I removed the extra 3 cups of liquid and placed it in another pot with additional water. In it I cooked pearled barley. I removed the barley and added "olive leaf" fresh pasta. When the pasta was done, I added a large tablespoon of Onozaki rice miso and let it dissolve. The broth is creamy and tasty and it was delicious, honest!

Faro` finta di non aver abbandonato il blog per 6 mesi e mi ci tuffo direttamente dentro, come se niente fosse, per mostrarvi il mio ultimo inciucio. Mi rendo conto che i colori non lo rendono molto appetibile, ma credetemi, e` buono! Questi strani esperimenti li faccio solo per me, per gli ospiti mi attengo ad esperimenti con piu` probabilita` di successo. Allora....
Prima ho cucinato delle lenticchie con le solite carote, cipolla, alloro ecc. Quando erano cotte ho tolto quasi un litro di liquido in eccesso e l'ho messo in un'altra pentola, aggiungendovi dell'acqua. In questo liquido ho cotto dell'orzo perlato. Quando l'orzo era pronto l'ho tolto dal suo liquido ed in questo stesso liquido ho messo della pasta fresca formato "foglie di ulivo".  A cottura ultimata vi ho sciolto un cucchiaio da tavola abbondante di Onozaki miso di riso. Il brodo e` cremoso e saporito. Non me l'aspettavo cosi` buono! Sul serio. 


morning prayer blog said...

Good for you for starting blogging again after a long absence. I first started blogging several times a week and then in the summer once a week which suits me. Then last week I skipped and thought if I did again I wouldn't get started. Thanks for writing.

anna maria said...

Thank you, Barbara. I think FB gets in the way of blogging, because it's just so easy to post an album of photos and a few explanatory words!