Monday, July 25, 2011

New perspective - Una nuova visuale

I've rented a tiny studio inside Ceglie for the next two months. The apartment I am currently in, kindly loaned to be by dear friends for the last nine months (!) is outside of the main part of town and since I can not drive here yet, since my knee went whacko 7 months ago, and since my place in the country is not ready yet, I've decided that it would be fun to spend at least 4 or 5 nights a week in town so I can go to the driving school's theory lessons from 7 pm to 8 pm and so I can attend the many events that take place during the summer in the town square, but usually do not start until 9 or 10 pm.

Here are some photos of my new nest: notice the high vaulted ceilings, the incredibly and typically steep stairs leading up to the living area, and the very tiny, but cute kitchen. Better duck when I take that last step, since I am quite accident prone!

Ho affittato un piccolo monolocale dentro Ceglie per i prossimi due mesi. L'appartamento in cui mi trovo adesso, generosamente prestatomi ormai da nove mesi (!) da cari amici e` fuori dalla parte principale del paese e siccome ancora non posso guidare qui, siccome il mio ginocchio ha dato i numeri 7 mesi fa, e poiche` casa mia in campagna non e` ancora pronta, ho deciso che sarebbe stato divertente passare almeno 4 o 5 notti la settimana in paese, cosi` posso andare alle lezioni di scuola guida che si tengono dalle 1700 alle 2000 e posso partecipare ai molti eventi che hanno luogo nella piazza e nel borgo antico in estate, ma che spesso non iniziano prima delle 2100 o 2200. 

Ecco alcune foto del mio nuovo nido: notate i soffitti a volta, le tipiche e incredibilmente ripide scale che portano in casa e la piccolissima, ma tanto carina cucina. Meglio che faccio attenzione alla capoccia quando salgo l'ultimo gradino, in quanto sono abbastanza imbranata!


ornella said...

carinissima la nuova casetta ,in estate i nostri paesi si animano di vita ed eventi . divertiti e buone vacanze mia cara

Kim Rae Nugent said...

What an adorable studio! I love stone buildings!

Anonymous said...

Looks very nice and comfortable.

Christine said...

I've got to show these photos to my husband; he will love them! So do I. ;)

mary ann said...

oh anna maria i am so enjoying each and every post. from the figs to your doggies to your new studio. mama mia! this place is fabulous. so lovely and interesting. love from california xoxo

anna maria said...

I ended up having to give up this little studio because I let my feelings about how cute it was overrule my reason: I knew those stairs were too steep for me! It's ok though because it was only intended for a couple of months. I hope that my own place will soon be ready to live in...