Saturday, August 22, 2009

Canvas Cover in the works

Canvas cover
Originally uploaded by Anna Maria Stone
It's Saturday, so of course after walking Eden in Golden Gate Park I'm home messing with paint.
This is acrylic paint and spray paint on canvas and will be the cover of the journal I am making in Mary Ann Moss' Stitched and Stenciled class.

Below is a mixed media Madonna (maybe) on paper, attached to a wood panel. I don't know if she will recover from the orange mess on her forehead, created by matte medium brushed over some Prismacolor pencils that bled. I plan to do more with her, hopefully a lot more. I say "hopefully" I always seem to get to a point where I have a difficult time taking the next step.

Think I'll take a nap. I always say that, but I never do.


Anonymous said...

Great woman stencil. Love the minimalist approach to the facial lines.

anna maria said...

Thank you Bonnie.