Monday, October 26, 2009

40th Anniversary of Woodstock

I spent three hours today at the 40th anniversary of Woodstock in Golden Gate Park, and I survived. I survived the inhalation of three kinds of smoke: copious Marihuana, sage smudge sticks, and, worst of all, billowing clouds from the burning flesh of chickens and pigs coming out of the food vendors' stands. I'm not a vegetarian, because I do eat fish, but egads, that smell was bad and I could not find a thing to eat. All I really wanted was a beer, but there was no alcohol for sale. It seemed like all they were selling was water, so maybe I missed a whole section, which seems unlikely since I walked back and forth from one stage to the other under the blue skies and energizing sunshine, at least four times.

When I got there at 10:30 the crowds were still sparse but very colorful and already joyous.

There were even entrepreneurs in the mix.

It was really too hot for dogs, but there were many, some enjoying it more than others.

Good boy, human and dog

What I enjoyed the most were the colors, particularly on several buses.

Blogger s making me crazy...just saying. I am going to end here before I lose the entire


Leslie said...

Wow, looks like a fun party!

Anonymous said...

Groovy. - Katherine K. San Francisco.